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1-Day Retreat: Living the Contemplative Life (Sundance, Utah)

Come join us for a day of contemplation. We will be staying at a beautiful private cabin in Sundance, about 5-7 minutes from the Sundance Lodge.

The contemplative life is all about a felt sense of union and intimacy with all that is. It’s about knowing for ourselves, directly, that we are Love’s means and that how we live our lives moment to moment is our sincerest offering. This might sound misty to you, but human beings have been carving out this path of devotion, meditation and prayer for thousands of years. It is a reliable path, and it calls you to walk it in your unique way.

Core to our mission at Lower Lights is to remind one another in an age of pandemic, political strife and global instability that contemplation is a powerful, countervailing force to fear, anxiety and uncertainty. At the deepest level, we are cared for and can live our lives courageously through great acts of love.

*spots are limited

Elements from the day include:

• Precise meditation instruction to help you connect to your deepest, truest self
• Restorative time in Mount Timpanogos Wilderness
• Group work: Bringing contemplation to relationship and community
• Light continental breakfast and nutritious catered lunch
• Visioning into the life you were meant to live