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Lower Lights Sangha - Open House (ONLINE)

In lieu of a monthly Lower Lights Sangha gathering, we will be holding a quarterly open house for people in the community who are thinking about becoming practitioners.

Thomas will host the larger community in practices that engage meditative awareness, mindfulness in relationship, and conceptual understanding from the world’s wisdom traditions–touching into the timeless elements of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.

January’s Theme: The Higher Light That Guides

Where do we go from here? 2020 was one of the most calamitous years on record in the modern world. And yet, if we are still fortunate enough to be breathing, to be living out our precious human birth, we are now faced with the question: what now?

The Wisdom traditions provide guidance. No matter how dark the night, how challenging the passage, we humans have a built-in guidance system: a direct channel to higher light, intuition and inspiration.

Join us for a night of practice where we will open these channels together and receive whatever light is ours to live.

Location: Online via Zoom

$10 contribution

*$5 financial assistance contribution - Venmo @lowerlights and comment January Open House with your email. We will send you the PDF with the link to join the call once received.

December 16

Lower Lights Sangha Monthly Gathering (ONLINE)

April 14

Lower Lights Sangha- Open House (ONLINE)