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Mindfulness for Missionaries

  • TBA (Salt Lake City) (map)

Course Details:
Each Monday evening, between January 1st and February 12th, we’ll be holding an intimate group space for anyone who has recently been on a mission, returned, and wants to explore the rewards and challenges of the experience with like-minded, like-hearted others. (Note: There will be one bye week January 15th for Martin Luther King Jr. Day)

Facilitator: Thomas McConkie

Skills we will develop in the course:
• basic mindfulness: a life-changing skill set
• body awareness: tapping into a different kind of wisdom
• skill at feeling: working with challenging emotions
• being vs. doing: getting off the hamster wheel
• self-compassion, non-judgment

The group has been generously subsidized by Lower Lights sponsors, so we’re able to offer the experience for only $10 per evening (our normal price for private groups is $25/session) or $50 pre-registration for the entire series. 

We encourage participants to attend all 6 evenings but will allow for drop-ins.

Private home near downtown Salt Lake City. Once Registered, location to be announced via email.

November 4

Integral Polarity Practice as Life Practice: Full-Day Workshop with John Kesler & Thomas McConkie

February 9

3-Day Workshop – Living an Extra•ordinary Life: IPP as Life Practice