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Parenting: Mastering the Art of Ongoing Growth

  • Wasatch Retreat Center 75 South 200 East Salt Lake City, UT, 84111 United States (map)

Raising a family, or helping to raise a family can be deeply rewarding and joyful. Of course, it can also be one of the most challenging tasks a person ever undertakes.

Cutting edge research shows that much of the challenge that arises in parenthood is due to family members holding different developmental perspectives, with each perspective having a particular way of viewing the world. From these different views, it can be difficult to truly see one another and stay connected through the inevitable challenges that come up in family life.

A developmental perspective on parenting reveals to us that children need a different style of parenting for every stage of development they traverse. The question then becomes, “How can we parent in a way that honors the spirit of the child at each and every unique stage of human development?”

Key Learning:
Dr. Terri O’Fallon, a lifelong parent and developmental researcher, teams up with gifted psychotherapist, Kim Barta, to introduce participants to O’Fallon’s acclaimed STAGES developmental model. This model helps us pinpoint our own or another’s developmental level in the moment using simple steps that any parent can learn.

With this kind of instant recognition in the moment, a parent can observe the peaks and valleys of their child’s development and learn to adjust their parenting skills to the specific needs of the child in the moment.

At this workshop you will learn to:
•Recognize both your own and your child’s developmental patterns
•Apply effective parenting practices as the child dances between different levels of development in their growing up process
•Synchronize your own developmental “styles” with your child’s to improve quality of relationship and effectiveness of your parenting intervention.
•Explore practical approaches to adapt to the changing developmental level of your child as they grow
•Love the children in your life in a way you didn’t realize was possible

About Terri & Kim


Terri O’Fallon PhD is an Integral scholar who derives theory and research interests from a passionate practice of auspicious wondering, learning, and marinating in life. She is the eldest of seven siblings, parent of two adult children, grandparent of two granddaughters, and has over fifty years of teaching from pre-kindergarten through post PhD. She has a PhD. in Integral Studies and Masters degrees in Spiritual Direction and Special Education. Terri’s research experience spans 40 years including eleven research studies, conducted in various colleges, public schools and private research venues, but her most passionate theory, research and teaching work of the past eight years revolves around the Stages model which integrates the Integral model by Ken Wilber with the Ego development scale of Susanne Cook-Greuter. Learn more about Terri at


Kim Barta MA is an internationally recognized licensed professional psychotherapist, coach, spiritual guide, and speaker. His work and insights spring from grounded experiential practice with self and others in his cross cultural and lifelong experiences. Kim, has developed several successful new forms of therapy that deeply and rapidly lead to healing. These have proven themselves effective with a wide range of issues including: Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Anger, Addiction, Chronic Pain, physical illnesses and weight loss and personal growth. People utilize his psychology/coaching/spiritual guidance practice globally. Learn More about Kim at


CE Credit: 
21 credit hours available for licensed social workers

April 12th-14th, 9am-5pm daily

Wasatch Retreat Center, 75 s 200 e, Wasatch Room
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

Single sign up: $395
When 2 people sign up: $350/person
For financial aid, work/trade, email

*Seating is limited

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